8-Circuit Model (see also Leary, Tim, Alli, Antero & RAW)
*Metachor’s Map*****Work-in-Progress*****Angel Tech*****Online 8-Circuit material*
Alli, Antero
*Angel Tech*****Behind the Green Door*****Angel Tech review*
*13 Names of God****
*Maybe-Safari #213*****Surprising Information?*
*Autumn Equinox*

Audio Books
Ken Campbell Audio book of Illuminatus!
*Audio Illuminatus*
Blogger changed
* OM update*
Bobby’s Art (see also Madison Underground Press)
*Welcome to Maybe Land*******Maybe-Land:Al spits Game*****Maybe-Land: Monster Mash!*****Maybe-Land: Wolf Man's Night Out*****James Joyce Illustrated*******Prodigal Sun*****3 degrees, 7 steps*******Okey Dokey*****more Okey-Dokey (still falling)*****Crowley's Cat MQ1*******Cover Art MQ 2/2*****History Plurality MQ4*****Autumnal Angel*****The Fool*******A Magician*******The High Priestess*****An Empress*****MQ5 Cover Art***** Albert & the Horus Aeon!*****Let's Dream Awake***** Rich V Wealth ****Initiation and The Third Degree*(images)**** Falling on Deaf Ears(images)*(but see also)*Art by Marcelino Balao III*****Quantum Psychology cutups*****8 dimensions of mind cutups*****Chaos Magics!*****Lunar Satva*****Nagarjuna's Claim*****Onboard Hagbard's Sub*****invisible boy*****FW again p 38*****Popes and Jesuits*****Mr Ginsburg*****FW page 68*****FW page 137*****Pound's Paradise*****Joseph Campbell*
*Hitler loves Black Jesus*****Museyroom Monkies*
FW - Pg 309, 12/04/06
Orgone Therapy and Cancer
Dove Sta Memoria
In Trixine #23
* As I Recall*
*Destiny Race of Light*
*APL Broadcasting Live*
*Quantum Introception Now*
* Marvellous Epic
*Inundation of the Nile*
*Hondo's Big Sister*
* Big Justice*
* Don’t Sleep On Your Moon*
*Initiation and The Third Degree* (words)***
* Falling on Deaf Ears (words) **** I Wouldn't Want to Play Cards with Him* ****Indian Rope Trick*****Always Assuming*****God-free Zone*****Bearded magicians*****Macguffin and The Holy Grail*****Vico's (the student bar)*
*Bogus MLA Courses**Deception Detection**The Mind Playing Tricks On Itself*
*A Way With Words**Hilaritas, Surrealism and Duchamp*
*The New Word Order*
*Hoodwinked - original Falcon Press***A Hearty Laugh* *The Art Instinct*
*Hoodwinked - original Falcon Press***A Hearty Laugh* *The Art Instinct*
*Monkey mind - Hyatt*
*ESPionage and magCIAns* *Black Magick and Curses*
*Sociobiology and Circuit 2* *Printers’ Imps* *Maybe running out of puns*

*Nagarjuna's Claim*****Godfrey Zone*
*A Way with Words*
Calendars and Festivals
*Solstice Merrymeet*****Equinoctal Greetings*****Year 5766***** Multiple calendars* ****December Solstice 2005 (Winter in the North)*****Old’s Cool ****Spring Equinox 2006*****Bloomsday*****Summer Solstice 06*****Only Maybe anniversary*
*Chinese New Year & Bob*
Not Dark Yet
* Moon Phases and astrology*
* Equinox*
*Summer Solstice 07*
Campbell, Joseph
*Spherical God*
*Metachor’s Map*
*Chaos Magic with Pete Carroll*****Chaos Magics!*

Crowley, Aleister (see also Magick, Thelema)
*Comic Strip*
*Quantum Psychology*****Acrillic cutting up*****8 Dom cutups*
Dave Sheridan
*A Painter Ponders*
*All Hail Discordia!*
*Glass Cockpit*
Drugs (see also Shrooms, etc)
*Good for you*
*Things to Say before you Die*
* Karmic Economics: Pure Capitalism*****RAW deal:patatows available on eBay*
*Elementary initiations*
*A powerful exercise*****Old’s Cool *

Eris (see also Discordians)
*Oh My Eris!*
*Dwarf Planet Eris*
Euro Meetup
* Borsky’s Impressions of the 3rd MLA Euro Meetup*
*3rd MLA Euro Meetup 2007 – Bogus’s version*
F For Fake
*F For Fake*
Finnegans Wake [see Joyce and Bobby and Fly Agaric23 and Bogus]
Fly Agaric23: Words, Music & Images (DJ Fly and Chu)
Untitled 1.0******2******Flyblog O'Crillic******Editorial MG4***** EKozmic Renaissance*******HipHop Culture* ****Acrillic Figa*******Acrillicka Lung playa*****Jesuspect Christereogram of freestyle***** Finnegans Wake as/i fly agaric *** weed killer by fly+chu *** woids lye by DJ fly+DJ Goat **** snare circle - movement II The fibonaccii project fly+Surrinder ****Lucifer*****Cut Ups*****Economics*****Shrooms*
*Fly Agaric23's book and music available*
*Amen Brother – Acrilliq*
*Conspiring all together*
* Fenollosa/Pound - Ideograms*
* Inspired by the structural analysis in von Neumann and Morgenstern's Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour Mirror*
Fools and Clowns
*Our Clown Act 1 Scene 1*
*Our Clown Act 1 Scene 2*
General Semantics
*Work-in-Progress*****Bacon's Idols*
*Haiku for Spring*
*5 Haikus for R.A.W. by Purple Gooroo*
Holy Grail
*Don't Ask!*
Ideogrammic Method
*Haiku for spring*
*A Way with Words*
* Ideogramic Series 1 – Chinese Written Character*
* Fenollosa/Pound*
believe that, and you'll believe anything
Information = Surprise
*The Third Degree*
Joyce, James
*Scribbledehobble*****Illustrated Ulysses*****Ambigram (John Langdon ©)***** Falling on Deaf Ears (Vico)***** Finnegans Wake as/i fly agaric ****Bloomsday*****LetsDreamAWake*****invisible boy*****FW again p 38*****FW page 68*****FW page 137*
Korzybski, Alfred (see also General Semantics; E-Prime)
*Reading Group / Science and Sanity*****Work-in-Progress****Neurologic Course, summer '06
Krassner , Paul
*Disneyland Memorial Orgy*****Further Weirdness with Terence McKenna*
Leary, Timothy
*Metachor’s Map*****Work-in-Progress*****Angel Tech*****Online 8-Circuit material*
*New Biog, by John Higgs*
Since Everything is An Apparition
*Lovecraftian Mind Tricks*
Madison Underground Press (see also Bobby)
MUP site
*Indian Rope Trick***** I Wouldn't Want to Play Cards with Him ****Why do small boys love magic as a hobby?"*
*Magick of Maybe***** Creation of the Magickal Motto *
Maybe Logic
*1*****DVD Review*
Maybe Logic Academy;
*You Have to Start Somewhere*****In-Crowd, In-Jokes & Gossip*****Ship of Fools***** SiteMeter and MLA news *
MLA courses 2007-02-06
Michael’s writings
*Hello and a poem*****All Is Truth****Thoughts are for thinking*****Letting Go****Biggest Organ*
Passing The Torch
*Prop and crew, music available online*
Mister Walk
*Oh My Eris!*****In Stephen's Eyes*
*Full Moon*****Lunar Satva*
*Bacon's Idols****Neurologic Course, summer '06****Neurologic postponed*
Oz Fritz
*All Around the World*
* Towards a 'patakabbal ******Priory of Sion - a Surrealist joke?*
pd's poetry/music/art
*mind-spread- out*****meta-for-calli-evolutions-calling-upon*****I Used to Be***** Zen Recording Studio * ****been laughing a lot*****Only Maybe*
pd's (pd a.k.a. pft aka peaky freet) work appears and disappears and metamorphoses all the time - if you find any broken links, don't blame the indexer!
Pound, Ezra The Cantos
*Pound's Paradise*
Printing and Paper-making
Priory of Sion *A 'Pataphysical Joke?*
Psmith's poetry
* A Well Meant Fragment *
Qabala (see also Kabbala, QBL, etc)
*Metachor’s Map*****Towards a 'patakabbal*
Quantum Psychology

RAW (see Wilson)
Neurologic Course, summer '06****RAW deal:patatows available on eBay*****RAW deal 2 (eBay)*
*Bob saved*
*"An hour of Bob video"*
Illuminated manuscripts
Good Jokes
His Serene Absence
RAW Tarot / a project to make a new deck
*The Fool*****A Magician*****The High Priestess*****An Empress*****Sacred Chao - the extra card for RAW*
RAW Wake and Meme-orial
OM regrets...
Robert Anton Wilson Cosmic Meme-Orial
Sleepers! A wake!
Passing of the Torch
London Wake
RAW Wake in Philly
RAW Celebration and Levitation above Stourbridge
* London Wake update*
* Aftermath*
* Meme-orial afterlink*
*Furthur Events*
Reich, Wilhelm
RU Sirius
Ken Campbell Audio book of Illuminatus!
Secret Societies
*The most secret society*****Ordeals of initiation*****Priory of Sion*
Shaila Abdullah
*Amulet for the Caged Dove*
*Form Your Own Cult*
*Sub-Genius Alert*
*Solstice*****Prodigal Sun*
Enjoy the Solstice
*Dak's Set*
*Systemantics -Work in Progress*
Tale of the Tribe
*Tale of the Tribe*
*Tale of The Tribe (reprise)*
*Language of The Tribe*
*Zen Punkist*****the bogus theory*
*Why Trance*
Tribal by-products, co-ordinated by Borsky
* A MLA Primer V1.0*
* Work of the Tribe 001*
Wilson, Robert Anton (see also RAW)
*Bob-Maybe*****MQ1 Interview********Tale of the Tribe - before*****Tale of the Tribe - after*****Old’s Cool ****Bob on politics*
Zen Punkist
*Karmic Economics: Pure Capitalism*****Pygmy Hut Architecture*****Time*
Z'ev [check out Z'ev's other work at rhythmajik]
*Why Trance*
Vol. 1 - Issue 1 / Winter Solstice 2004 MQ#1
Cover art by Nick Helwig-Larsen
Edited by Kentroversy
Vol. 2 - Issue 1 / Spring Equinox 2005 MQ#2
Cover Art by Nemo
Edited by Kentroversy
Vol. 2 - Issue 2 / Summer Solstice 2005 MQ#3
Cover Art by Bobby
Edited by Kentroversy
Vol 2 - Issue 3 / Autumn Equinox 2005 MQ #4
Cover Art by Zachariah Hoffman West
under new anarcho-syndicalist editorship (whatever that means) particular thanks to Acrillic...
Vol 2 - Issue 4 / Winter Solstice 2005 MQ#5
Cover Art by Bobby Campbell
Wrangling by BogusMagus
Volume 3 - Issue 1 Spring Equinox 2006 MQ#6
Freeform editor FlyAgaric23
Cover Art by Chu
Volume 3 - Issue 2 Summer Solstice 2006 MQ#7
eDITOr ?
Cover Art by Betty DeRespino
Volume 3 - Issue 3 Autumn Equinox 2006 MQ#8
Cover Art by Antonija Anic-Antic
Volume 3 - Issue 4 Winter Solstice 2006 MQ#9
Cover Art by Bobby Campbell

Volume 4 - Issue 1 / Spring Equinox 2007 MQ#10
Cover Art by borsky
Special RAW Meme-orial edition
In this issue:
• A Little Light
• Bob Haiku
• Ewige Bloom and Craft
• Flights
• What About Bob?
• In Memoriam
• RAW E-mail Exchange
• A RAW Stone
• Patapsychology & Maybe Logic
• RAW Data Comments
• London RAW Wake
sombunall MQ10 music by Trimtabulous Cabal / Kokopelli Foundation
dove sta memora
*ESPionage and magCIAns* *Black Magick and Curses*
*Sociobiology and Circuit 2* *Printers’ Imps* *Maybe running out of puns*

*Nagarjuna's Claim*****Godfrey Zone*
*A Way with Words*
Calendars and Festivals
*Solstice Merrymeet*****Equinoctal Greetings*****Year 5766***** Multiple calendars* ****December Solstice 2005 (Winter in the North)*****Old’s Cool ****Spring Equinox 2006*****Bloomsday*****Summer Solstice 06*****Only Maybe anniversary*
*Chinese New Year & Bob*
Not Dark Yet
* Moon Phases and astrology*
* Equinox*
*Summer Solstice 07*
Campbell, Joseph
*Spherical God*
*Metachor’s Map*
*Chaos Magic with Pete Carroll*****Chaos Magics!*

Crowley, Aleister (see also Magick, Thelema)
*Comic Strip*
*Quantum Psychology*****Acrillic cutting up*****8 Dom cutups*
Dave Sheridan
*A Painter Ponders*
*All Hail Discordia!*
*Glass Cockpit*
Drugs (see also Shrooms, etc)
*Good for you*
*Things to Say before you Die*
* Karmic Economics: Pure Capitalism*****RAW deal:patatows available on eBay*
*Elementary initiations*
*A powerful exercise*****Old’s Cool *

Eris (see also Discordians)
*Oh My Eris!*
*Dwarf Planet Eris*
Euro Meetup
* Borsky’s Impressions of the 3rd MLA Euro Meetup*
*3rd MLA Euro Meetup 2007 – Bogus’s version*
F For Fake
*F For Fake*
Finnegans Wake [see Joyce and Bobby and Fly Agaric23 and Bogus]
Fly Agaric23: Words, Music & Images (DJ Fly and Chu)
Untitled 1.0******2******Flyblog O'Crillic******Editorial MG4***** EKozmic Renaissance*******HipHop Culture* ****Acrillic Figa*******Acrillicka Lung playa*****Jesuspect Christereogram of freestyle***** Finnegans Wake as/i fly agaric *** weed killer by fly+chu *** woids lye by DJ fly+DJ Goat **** snare circle - movement II The fibonaccii project fly+Surrinder ****Lucifer*****Cut Ups*****Economics*****Shrooms*
*Fly Agaric23's book and music available*
*Amen Brother – Acrilliq*
*Conspiring all together*
* Fenollosa/Pound - Ideograms*
* Inspired by the structural analysis in von Neumann and Morgenstern's Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour Mirror*
Fools and Clowns
*Our Clown Act 1 Scene 1*
*Our Clown Act 1 Scene 2*
General Semantics
*Work-in-Progress*****Bacon's Idols*
*Haiku for Spring*
*5 Haikus for R.A.W. by Purple Gooroo*
Holy Grail
*Don't Ask!*
Ideogrammic Method
*Haiku for spring*
*A Way with Words*
* Ideogramic Series 1 – Chinese Written Character*
* Fenollosa/Pound*
believe that, and you'll believe anything
Information = Surprise
*The Third Degree*
Joyce, James

*Scribbledehobble*****Illustrated Ulysses*****Ambigram (John Langdon ©)***** Falling on Deaf Ears (Vico)***** Finnegans Wake as/i fly agaric ****Bloomsday*****LetsDreamAWake*****invisible boy*****FW again p 38*****FW page 68*****FW page 137*
Korzybski, Alfred (see also General Semantics; E-Prime)
*Reading Group / Science and Sanity*****Work-in-Progress****Neurologic Course, summer '06
Krassner , Paul
*Disneyland Memorial Orgy*****Further Weirdness with Terence McKenna*
Leary, Timothy

*Metachor’s Map*****Work-in-Progress*****Angel Tech*****Online 8-Circuit material*
*New Biog, by John Higgs*
Since Everything is An Apparition
*Lovecraftian Mind Tricks*
Madison Underground Press (see also Bobby)
MUP site
*Indian Rope Trick***** I Wouldn't Want to Play Cards with Him ****Why do small boys love magic as a hobby?"*
*Magick of Maybe***** Creation of the Magickal Motto *
Maybe Logic
*1*****DVD Review*
Maybe Logic Academy;
*You Have to Start Somewhere*****In-Crowd, In-Jokes & Gossip*****Ship of Fools***** SiteMeter and MLA news *
MLA courses 2007-02-06
Michael’s writings
*Hello and a poem*****All Is Truth****Thoughts are for thinking*****Letting Go****Biggest Organ*
Passing The Torch
*Prop and crew, music available online*
Mister Walk
*Oh My Eris!*****In Stephen's Eyes*
*Full Moon*****Lunar Satva*
*Bacon's Idols****Neurologic Course, summer '06****Neurologic postponed*
Oz Fritz
*All Around the World*

* Towards a 'patakabbal ******Priory of Sion - a Surrealist joke?*
pd's poetry/music/art
*mind-spread- out*****meta-for-calli-evolutions-calling-upon*****I Used to Be***** Zen Recording Studio * ****been laughing a lot*****Only Maybe*
pd's (pd a.k.a. pft aka peaky freet) work appears and disappears and metamorphoses all the time - if you find any broken links, don't blame the indexer!
Pound, Ezra The Cantos
*Pound's Paradise*
Printing and Paper-making
Priory of Sion *A 'Pataphysical Joke?*
Psmith's poetry
* A Well Meant Fragment *
Qabala (see also Kabbala, QBL, etc)
*Metachor’s Map*****Towards a 'patakabbal*
Quantum Psychology

RAW (see Wilson)
Neurologic Course, summer '06****RAW deal:patatows available on eBay*****RAW deal 2 (eBay)*
*Bob saved*
*"An hour of Bob video"*
Illuminated manuscripts
Good Jokes
His Serene Absence
RAW Tarot / a project to make a new deck
*The Fool*****A Magician*****The High Priestess*****An Empress*****Sacred Chao - the extra card for RAW*
RAW Wake and Meme-orial
OM regrets...
Robert Anton Wilson Cosmic Meme-Orial
Sleepers! A wake!
Passing of the Torch
London Wake
RAW Wake in Philly
RAW Celebration and Levitation above Stourbridge
* London Wake update*
* Aftermath*
* Meme-orial afterlink*
*Furthur Events*
Reich, Wilhelm
RU Sirius
Ken Campbell Audio book of Illuminatus!
Secret Societies
*The most secret society*****Ordeals of initiation*****Priory of Sion*
Shaila Abdullah
*Amulet for the Caged Dove*
*Form Your Own Cult*
*Sub-Genius Alert*
*Solstice*****Prodigal Sun*
Enjoy the Solstice
*Dak's Set*
*Systemantics -Work in Progress*
Tale of the Tribe
*Tale of the Tribe*
*Tale of The Tribe (reprise)*
*Language of The Tribe*
*Zen Punkist*****the bogus theory*
*Why Trance*
Tribal by-products, co-ordinated by Borsky
* A MLA Primer V1.0*
* Work of the Tribe 001*
Wilson, Robert Anton (see also RAW)
*Bob-Maybe*****MQ1 Interview********Tale of the Tribe - before*****Tale of the Tribe - after*****Old’s Cool ****Bob on politics*
Zen Punkist
*Karmic Economics: Pure Capitalism*****Pygmy Hut Architecture*****Time*
Z'ev [check out Z'ev's other work at rhythmajik]
*Why Trance*
Links to the different issues of MQ (Maybe Quarterly)
Vol. 1 - Issue 1 / Winter Solstice 2004 MQ#1
Cover art by Nick Helwig-Larsen

Cover Art by Nemo
Edited by Kentroversy

Cover Art by Bobby
Edited by Kentroversy

Cover Art by Zachariah Hoffman West
under new anarcho-syndicalist editorship (whatever that means) particular thanks to Acrillic...

Cover Art by Bobby Campbell
Wrangling by BogusMagus

Volume 3 - Issue 1 Spring Equinox 2006 MQ#6
Freeform editor FlyAgaric23
Cover Art by Chu

eDITOr ?
Cover Art by Betty DeRespino

Cover Art by Antonija Anic-Antic

Cover Art by Bobby Campbell

Volume 4 - Issue 1 / Spring Equinox 2007 MQ#10
Cover Art by borsky
Special RAW Meme-orial edition
In this issue:
• A Little Light
• Bob Haiku
• Ewige Bloom and Craft
• Flights
• What About Bob?
• In Memoriam
• RAW E-mail Exchange
• A RAW Stone
• Patapsychology & Maybe Logic
• RAW Data Comments
• London RAW Wake
sombunall MQ10 music by Trimtabulous Cabal / Kokopelli Foundation
dove sta memora