e.g: RU Sirius Podcast -- Tribute To The Still-Very-Much Alive Writer Philosopher Prankster Robert Anton Wilson
RU Sirius Radio Show #78: Robert Anton Wilson Lives!
[first section on Borat - UK Prankster aka Ali G. The RAW section starts at about 17:23]
We talk about the great writer/philosopher/prankster Robert Anton Wilson with Lance Bauscher, director of the documentary “Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson” and the force behind the “Maybe Logic Academy.” And we talk to Eric Wagner, author of “An Insider’s Guide to Robert Anton Wilson.” And best of all, Bauscher brought in some reading/performances from the upcoming audio book version of The Illuminatus Trilogy!, which will be released by his Deepleaf Production company.

You can see Ken with RAW here - and what about this letter from Ken Campbell!