Most of this blog remains stable, so as to accumulate and accrete as a portrait of the activities of
sombunall (
some, but not all - a neologism from Bob) of the members of the Maybe Logic Academy.

Contributors can do what they like with their own material, though, and
pft continues to appear and disappear (to my despair, as my Fool embarked upon an
Incomplete Imperfect Index).
Just accept the fact of pft's visuals, poems and music as an endlessly shifting and ephemeral reality. If nothing else this may draw you back here more often! His Halloween greeting disappeared as soon as I indexed it under Calendars/Festivals.
My own Work-in-Progress items (when not hidden in Draft form) also mutate, but only in small ways at the moment, as both (I hope) may turn into full-blown, freestanding pieces - which may then get published in fixed form in the
Maybe Quarterly, where I cannot tinker with them any more (I can't even get rid of the typos in my last
Time Piece!)
As the forums seem a little unstable right now (server problems) this could function as a secondary meeting point. I hope that we may soon see
Mindeterminate's input on the Tarot that sombunall of us have started working on (with a fine mixture of seriousness and frivolity). I also noticed that another MLA contributor - codename Platypus - has
a free forum running on his
extraordinary website full of RAW material, which you really ought to visit (at least) if you have any interest in Robert Anton Wilson and his work...just
the book covers of his fiction alone sets me to thinking.