
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Solstice - don't think of it as death, only a change of tense...

Cover for Issue Seven
Yet again this bunch of anarchists have managed to produce an edition of Maybe Quarterly, Number 7, published on The Solstice.

I left it a little late to wish you a happy solstice, but I do anyway (who knows with so many time zones?) Happy Solstice!

I didn't get to read all the MQ yet, but you will find interviews with Daniel Pinchbeck (author of Breaking Open The Head and 2012); extended pieces based on some of the courses we have participated in; an interview with Peter Carroll - who ran a course recently; some of Bobby's wonderful graphic stuff; sounds on the pages from DJ Fly, etc.; a RAW on the cover of Time? transcript of a radio (?) interview with our founding editor, Kentroversy, and creative writing from several of the 'student body' - although I don't know if 'student' really captures the level of talent and interesting minds you can find in the Forum and on the Courses (no offence to 'students').

STOP PRESS! a SPECIAL eBay auction of Bob paraphernalia (signed) to help with medical bills. On the site (when you scroll down) you will also find a really excellent list of RAW links - worth a visit even if you don't have 'serious money'.

Bob seems to have felt very ill recently, as you can tell from Paul Krassner's blog entry, which did at least contain Bob's rueful haiku:

Well what do you know?
Another day had passed
and I'm still not not.


Kentroversy said...

Greetings, Bogusmagus:

It was a television interview, and not a radio interview.

Buffalo, New York USA

Bogus Magus said...

Aha, thanks Kent. I had scrolled past the opening paragraph (where it clearly says that) to the beginning of the interview, where he says

"Kent, are you there?"

so I assumed (never trust assumptions!) as you didn't seem to share space with him that he interviewed you on radio. We don't do too many shows where you just watch the presenter talking on the phone, etc.