
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Saturday, June 24, 2006

We Discordians must stick apart!

Apparently we may see a series of auctions of interesting bits and pieces from RAW's collection coming up - and they may continue to, so long as it seems fun to Bob.
If, like me, you don't particularly need more stuff (or can't compete in auctions), you can still make a cash contribution directly through PayPal. Just use the account name olgaceline@gmail.com Those of you who don't know about Olga the Ostrich, or the Celine family may well have stuff to look forward to...

Bob now has his own profile on eBay - robert_anton_wilson - and various items up for auction. If you can't find him easily, try typing "Hail Eris" in the Search of All Categories, and you will see his baseball cap on offer, so you can then Add him as one of your Favourite Sellers, and will more easily find any new items he puts on offer, in future. Or use this link, to see everything available Right Now.

eBay have even started blogs, now, so you can just check in to cheer him on, by adding comments in the Robert Anton Wilson blog. Be Seeing You!

If you don't understand how all this works, just email me at bogusm@gmail.com and I can tell you how.

Equally, you could probably contact Driftless Books & Music as one of the people caring for Bob has connections there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob. You've been dancing on your tiptoes out in the ether lately,huh? I tuned into an inkling of mine the other day, and it hinted that you might be ready to settle into the transcendental side of the street, and maybe look into a pair of wings and ukelele? Don't sweat it, your credit is golden.
In the meantime...stay strong brother.
