
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Maybe Logic Acomedy

Chris M, Borsky, Acrillic, Fuzzbuddy and Bogus
The MLA European get-together happened (celebrating, amongst other things, the third anniversary of the opening of the MLA on July 23rd 2004) and I enjoyed myself a lot. We experienced three entirely different days, and had lots of fun.
Clowns and Superheroes

The first day we went to Ghent for a festival on a hot day, and the city had music and street shows going on, with plenty of excellent beer, too.hectic daze and nights in Gent

Entering Bruges
guided by Borsky

On the second day, Borsky took us on a guided tour of the medaeval city of Bruges, pointing out all sorts of odd buildings, esoteric symbols of the Masons andTemplar Church Templars, etc, we had milder weather, and only one burst of rain.

By chance, we stopped for pizza only to find we had chosen to eat at 23 Akademiestraat, Bruges. heh heh

On the third day we went to Amsterdam, visited an esoteric library, flung the lasagna as well as had various kinds of fun…even the heavy rain in the afternoon just stranded us in an amiable bar in the middle of Vondel Park…
late night buzz
No doubt further impressions from other people will appear in the forum, and I will return to amplify some of the details, but we completed our tasks, both the magic ritual for absent friends, and the above-mentioned event staged by the Lasagna Slinging Dept…
hats off to Borsky

Borsky's take on this (our great host!)


The Purple Gooroo said...

Great pics! Glad you all had a good time flinging the pasta!

Hopefully there'll be another one I can get to--maybe a small-ish UK gathering.

Bogus Magus said...

Yeah we had a real lot of fun...

in spite of gravity, traffic, policemen, lack of sleep, etc...