
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Possible London Wake for RAW

Fu - Chinese for 'Luck' - displayed upside down, traditionally

Just a calendar reference: although the Chinese Year of the Red Pig started on the 4th February, New Year's Day happens on February 18th!

Don't ask me why New Year's Day doesn't start the year - not all calendars and festivals work the same way. And don't forget that we enter the Chinese year 4705. Makes 2007 (Gregorian) look pretty young...

According to the website linked above

The Chinese New Year day is on February 18th, 2007. This day is a new moon day, it is the first day of the first Chinese lunar month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar system. The exact new moon time is at 00:14 on 18-Feb-07 in China time zone.

If we apply Chinese lunar calendar system on the USA time zones, we find something interesting here. In the US Pacific Standard Time (PST), the new moon time is at 08:14 of 2-17-07. In the US Eastern Standard Time (EST), the new moon time is at 11:14 of 2-17-07. Therefore, the Chinese New Year day for USA time zones is on February 17th, 2007.

The new moon time is at 16:14 on 2-17-07 of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and at 17:14 on 2-17-07 of Time Zone GMT+1. That means Chinese New Year day is on February 17th, 2007 for European countries. For Asian countries, such as Vietnam and Thailand using GMT+7 time zone, the Chinese New Year Day is on February 17th, 2007, too

A Possible London Maybemorial - February 18th.

  • Bring a 99p frozen lasagne so they shall know thee
  • 1) Start at the Atlantis Bookshop off Bloomsbury square - Uncle Al's favourite and one of the only known stockist of RAW's works. Here in works a genuine top of the cauldron wiccan who worked with RAW in the 70's
  • 2) A five minute walk to the big Irish pub opposite the United Grand Lodge Temple the global Citadel of FreeMasonary - here we will raise a glass or two of porter and Jameson's to Simon Moon and Sigismundo Celine
  • 3) A ten minute walk down to Blackfriars Bridge - the mystical death place of the Hanged Man Gods Banker Calvi - here we will toast Eris, conspiracy and all who flail in her
  • 4) A walk past the NT to salute RAWs 1970's production of Illuminatus - here we toast the Artist known as RAW
  • 5) We stop at a place equidistant between the Phallic Big Ben and the Omphala London Eye - here we toast - well I suppose its the masculine and feminine principle but lets be honest its a big willy and an enormous Ladies front bottom
  • 6) We randomly pick a fine London hostlery and Wake our dear dead friend good and properOther possible RAWthematic places - - The Royal Society - we could leave a metal stone from the sky outside- Chelsea Town Hall - where Jimmy wed Norah- The British Library : notes from Joyce's work and other such writers (also has the worlds oldest book - a proto Internet n'est pas?
  • If you come I can only promise to make up for my tawdry remisses and offer you a Blake-worthy wander through the Big Smoke


The Purple Gooroo said...

That seems like an excellent idea for a Wilson wake! I might try and make it to London for it..

Any further details...date, etc.?

I think Donnacha is still searching for a venue, so there may be two London wakes.

If I can't make it to London--I'l be having my own R.A.W. wake in Oxford - anyone in the area is welcome to join me.

Great blog, b.t.w. - I've just signed up to the M.L.A. I always wanted to since it's inception, but the fundage was lacking. I'm gonna try and get some bread together to take a course this time around.

Bogus Magus said...

Hi PG!

I don't know any more right now, but if we get an update I'll post it here.

Meanwhile, you may want to check in the forum, or Private Message Philixrex in there - we will post furthur news here as it arrives.

Don't forget the choice of going up to Stourbridge to Acrilliq's event, too...see Sleepers! A Wake! from January 26th...

Glad you like the blog!

The Purple Gooroo said...

Oh yeah - Stourbridge, too! Oh no..January 26th? Did I miss it?

I've left a post for Philixrex at the M.L.A. forum--his e-mail addy is there, so it's all good :-)

Bogus Magus said...

Sorry - I meant our post here of Jan 26th - I think mosbunall RAWakes happen on the 18th Feb.

The Purple Gooroo said...

Ah right...cool!

John Higgs said...

Any idea of the time of this the bookshop lasagne meet, folks?

Bogus Magus said...

Last I heard, at 1:23 (13:23 GMT).

Might fit with evening events, for some...