
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Maybe running out of puns....

We didn't mean to cut-up the MLA writing collaboration (we did it on a Wiki), but servers and changes made cuts in what we wrote - and eventuallly we put a version online in MQ (much compressed) then finally cut it down again for the hard copy magazine.....

I really get off on finding a lost fragment of that Maybes coolaborative writing project - although I understand that no definitive text exists anywhere...

Check out this missing precognitive piece from Borsky's blog:

And where is Issue #13 hiding? Can't see the link in Issue #14....

Anyway, from Issue #12 : Nine Characters in Search for an Author...

1 comment:

Toby said...

It looks as though we may find ourselves performing this experiment again...

Watch this space