
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Near the outer edge of the wall, all worked quickly but carefully. The giant crunchy nerds doing experiments inside the lab had no idea.

The hatch popped open. BP jumped out into the trees, tumbling all the way...down the side of the building...into the water chutes...under the road...deep into the ground...rapids...round the corners faster...holding on...almost to the stop...then let go in the air over the cavern! ....down down down CRASH!!!

"I see beasties!!!"

Crumble Smash Crash Splash!!! The Ice Cracked and BP smacked his head into the ice sea. It was very very icy. I see. BP saw something. BP passed out on the ice...


ms. gayle said...


Unknown said...

that's a nice drawing.