
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Do we make a Maybe Quarterly for the Summer Solstice?

Ah, I just realised we have three weeks before the Solstice, and usually we would produce an online episode of MQ.

With all this talk of a print edition of the 'best of...' I don't know if enough alternative energy exists to also produce an online edition of new material.

If you have something for the magazine - and for lack of an editor - you can email items directly to the MLA Admin. Or go chat on the open forums at MLA, where threads exist to registered folks, where these things get discussed.

If you have a contribution you could always go check it out there (although I got a slow loading site today, but that may have something to do with time zones, and server backup, and all that stuff.) UK 21:00, EST 16:00 PST 13:00 Melbourne 6:00 - no wait! the Americans should find themselves in the middle of a day! Oh well, perhaps MLA 5.0 still has teething problems.

Updates later.

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