
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Saturday, June 24, 2006

We Discordians must stick apart!

Apparently we may see a series of auctions of interesting bits and pieces from RAW's collection coming up - and they may continue to, so long as it seems fun to Bob.
If, like me, you don't particularly need more stuff (or can't compete in auctions), you can still make a cash contribution directly through PayPal. Just use the account name olgaceline@gmail.com Those of you who don't know about Olga the Ostrich, or the Celine family may well have stuff to look forward to...

Bob now has his own profile on eBay - robert_anton_wilson - and various items up for auction. If you can't find him easily, try typing "Hail Eris" in the Search of All Categories, and you will see his baseball cap on offer, so you can then Add him as one of your Favourite Sellers, and will more easily find any new items he puts on offer, in future. Or use this link, to see everything available Right Now.

eBay have even started blogs, now, so you can just check in to cheer him on, by adding comments in the Robert Anton Wilson blog. Be Seeing You!

If you don't understand how all this works, just email me at bogusm@gmail.com and I can tell you how.

Equally, you could probably contact Driftless Books & Music as one of the people caring for Bob has connections there.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Solstice - don't think of it as death, only a change of tense...

Cover for Issue Seven
Yet again this bunch of anarchists have managed to produce an edition of Maybe Quarterly, Number 7, published on The Solstice.

I left it a little late to wish you a happy solstice, but I do anyway (who knows with so many time zones?) Happy Solstice!

I didn't get to read all the MQ yet, but you will find interviews with Daniel Pinchbeck (author of Breaking Open The Head and 2012); extended pieces based on some of the courses we have participated in; an interview with Peter Carroll - who ran a course recently; some of Bobby's wonderful graphic stuff; sounds on the pages from DJ Fly, etc.; a RAW on the cover of Time? transcript of a radio (?) interview with our founding editor, Kentroversy, and creative writing from several of the 'student body' - although I don't know if 'student' really captures the level of talent and interesting minds you can find in the Forum and on the Courses (no offence to 'students').

STOP PRESS! a SPECIAL eBay auction of Bob paraphernalia (signed) to help with medical bills. On the site (when you scroll down) you will also find a really excellent list of RAW links - worth a visit even if you don't have 'serious money'.

Bob seems to have felt very ill recently, as you can tell from Paul Krassner's blog entry, which did at least contain Bob's rueful haiku:

Well what do you know?
Another day had passed
and I'm still not not.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Only Maybe and the Solar Return

Well, Only Maybe has just completed one circuit of the sun.

We tip-toed onto the Web on 18th June 2005, as you can see in The Archives.

You can pick a month from the Archives in the sidebar, and scroll down a series of posts, rather than the unique pages (with their comments visible). Here you'll find the first 12 days...

Friday, June 16, 2006

Happy Bloomsday!

Bob has managed to get quite a few of us to dig back into James Joyce, and tackle some of his more daunting works, and many of us have reaped rich rewards. Bobby did some illustrations, and other Joyce stuff you can find using the Imperfect Index.

Of course, as a scurrilous old man, RAW has pointed out that Bloomsday (in which all the action of the vast novel Ulysses happens) actually commemorates Nora Barnacle giving Joyce a hand jobI might even have a pint of Guinness at lunchtime... in an alley (pretty forward for a
young Catholic woman of the time) which imprinted him on her for life, but also left him anxious (she seemed awfully good, you might say 'practiced' at it!) and often jealous. So rather than trudge around the route of the characters in Dublin, you could just as easily celebrate by giving or receiving a handjob. Why not?

What a great timebomb joke from Joyce, as the true significance of the day did not emerge until people got access to his journals - long after 'the literary experts' had knocked themselves out to analyse every detail, and guess at meanings!


01 TELEMACHUS Tower 08 GDWH --- theology narrative-young heir
02 NESTOR School 09 BNCH --- history catechism-personal horse
03 PROTEUS Strand 10 BLGN --- philology monolog-male tide

04 CALYPSO House 08 OR kidney mythol/econ narrative-mature nymph
05 LOTUS-EATR Bath 09 BN skin chem/botany narcissism eucharist
06 HADES Graveyard 11 BKWH heart religion incubism caretaker
07 EOLUS Newspaper 12 RD lungs rhetoric enthymemic editor
08 LESTRYGONI Lunch 13 BD esoph architect peristalsis constables
09 SCYLLA&CHR Library 14 -- brain literature dialectic Stratford/London
10 WANDERINGR Streets 15 RB blood mechanics labyrinth citizens
11 SIRENS Concertrm.16 CL ear music fuga per canonem barmaids
12 CYCLOPS Tavern 17 GN muscle surgery/pol gigantism fenian
13 NAUSIKAA Rocks 20 GYBL eye/ns painting de/tumescence virgin
14 OXENofSUN Hospital 22 WH womb medicine embryonic develpm. mothers
15 CIRCE Brothel 23 VI leg/skl dance hallucination whore

16 EUMEUS Shelter 00 nerves navigation narrative-old sailors
17 ITHACA House 01 STMK skeltn science catechism-impers. comets
18 PENELOPE Bed zz STMK fat ---- monolog-female earth

*Colours: GolD WHite BrowN CHestnut BLue GreeN ORange BlacK ReD
BlooD RainBow CoraL GreY VIolet STarry MilKy (no yellow!?)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Neurologic course postponed

Robert Anton Wilson Sad news! RAW has felt 'as sick as a dog' recently, so his upcoming course has got postponed indefinitely.

We all wish him well and send him our best magical wishes, and hope to continue promoting his work with all our energy.

Get Well Soon, Bob!

I have decided to try to get an informal group going to run an unofficial version of the course within the general forum. At least we can share what we already learned from Bob, and work up the material a bit, so we feel better prepared when he does run his course. You can join the General Forum for $60 per year (although it comes free if you sign up for a course). TaoI have already posted my own summaries of what I understand so far about General Semantics, and about Ideograms. I may even post them here (or elsewhere) given that some people don't have $60. I should go and finish my piece for the Solstice edition of MQ first!

Be Seeing You!