
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Be Seeing You!

Good to see the Maybe Logic Academy open again after a sabbatical, with forums, courses, etc.

Upcoming Events

July 23 - RAW Retrospective, tele-seminar, free as can be

July 24 - Initiation, online course with Lon Milo DuQuette

July 30 - Cosmic Trigger, tele-course with Erik Davis

Aug 13 - Schroedinger's Cat, online course with Eric Wagner

Aug 20 - RAW Politics, tele-seminar, free for enrolled students and MLA Initiate members


Eric Wagner said...

This looks like a great set of classes. My class actually deals with Schroedinger's Cat rather than Prometheus Rising, though.

Toby said...

Whoops, sorry Eric - just copied and pasted with brain not in gear. I will go correct the main text.

Bogus Magus said...

"Prometheus Rising" looks like the subject of David Jay Brown's course starting in September.