
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Monday, August 20, 2007

Okey Dokey

Regular readers of this blog (if such exist) will know sombunall of the work of Bobby Campbell...and if you don't then you can use the Imperfect Index (search for Bobby's Art) to sample his prolific contribution to both this blog and the MQ magazine. I may leave it to him to explain in detail, but he has put a re-vamped edition of Okey-Dokey #1 up online here (and you can also order a hard copy, using PayPal - for a price that hardly covers mailing costs, I would think).

NB: I created the Index before Blogger introduced Labels (which posters can add for themselves), so although I will attempt to update the site using the labels so you can filter by subject, you'll miss out on the tantalising titles to posts, when I simply cluster all posts by, or about, Bobby's work (say) - in the Index you can browse all the intriguing titles...

Don't forget that you can Search the blog, using keywords, with Blogger's own searcher (top left hand corner of screen). Putting 'Okey' into that will take you to an Okey-Dokey prelude from June 2005, and a Work-in-Progress version from April 2006.

For any MLA members who wonder why I went so quiet on the Forums - I figured I could usefully go back and re-read some of this wonderful extra-curricula stuff that we 'student/participants' generated (apart from reviewing all the course material), and indexing and labelling and hyperlinking it gives me the excuse and motivation to go look at it all again. I'd think of it as a real shame if it just faded into Web ephemera, for lack of a hard copy archived in a library, somewhere.


Anonymous said...

wow!! I love the new labeling system, great stuff, Bogus!

Thanks ad infinitum!

Bogus Magus said...

Yeah, well I think this blog has become an ArtiFact so I want to make it more complex, add a few strange loops, etc - so if we ever abandon it (as happens to so many dead - or bardo - websites drifting in cyberspace) it would remain in some way cohesive...at least for a while.

But, like I said, mostly I want to go through (and enjoy) the material all over again...

Steve Fly said...

I can now see what appears to be some residew from Joyce's "Doodle" shapes morphing into the KEYS! The tips (tip!) of the Key. A part of a doodle-door family.