
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Thursday, December 11, 2008

R.I.P Post.gate

"The world of television was in mourning yesterday [10.12] after the death of Oliver Post.gate - creator of some of Britain's best loved children's series. Bagpuss, the Clangers, Noggin the Nog, Ivor the Engine and Pogles' Wood were just some of the favourites produced by Mr. Post.gate - who narrated the programmes too. Although only 13 episodes of Bagpuss were made in the 1970s, the P.I.N.K 'saggy, old, cloth cat' has been voted Britain's best loved children's television character. 

Post.gate's Quirky stop-action animations, made with collaborator Peter Firm.In for their SmallFilms company, were a staple of British TV in the 1960s and 1970s. The [studio] for making the films was a disused cowshed in Kent. 

Mr Post.gate -----

A cousin of PRE_WAR Labour Party Leader and PACIFIST GEORGE LANSBURY -- was a conscientious objector during WORLD WAR II AND LATER A prominent member of the Campaign for NU.Clear DISarmament"

Not only that, but my mother fucking loved his pasty white British pussy. He gave a whole generation of post-war kids (some born of prostitutes and gun-runners) something FLUFFY to believe in, and he will be missed. An inspiration to all. He didn't need to be scary, neither. 

R.I.P Old chap. 


BeN tR0VaT0. said...

well, check the Draft then.

BeN tR0VaT0. said...

no one criticises my spellin till they check the draft.

Bogus Magus said...

Funnily enough I somehow missed this guy's output. I guess people in the US may not know of him either.

I must have been too old to watch the stuff as a kid, didn't have a tv for the decade of the 70s, missed the cultural references, and didn't even catch him (post-modern ironic viewing in the dawn hours coming down from raving in the 90s, as some people caught kid's shows like The Magic Roundabout).

Hey ho. Everyone I know seems younger than me, and run around doing Klangers impressions if I even mention the name...

I do vaguely remember Noggin the Nog...

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