
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Friday, July 25, 2008

Maybe Ingolstadt next year?

All together now - yeah that's Notre Dame in the background

Yeah we made it - Fuzz, Bogus, Chris, Fly, B.Kane, Borsky, Tons, Prop Anon on the first day with all of us...you can just see Notre Dame (top left) behind us, but some of us came for Shakespeare and Co...

Outside the atelier, saying goodbye
And now we went our separate ways again...

Rosie slips out of the heart chakra, leaving the body of B.Kane

Fly contemplates a new model of the universe

Prop's 23 dollar burger de la maison - so good it was almost worth it

Up to Mischief

And in memory of the guy wot brung us together in the first place, Propaganda Anonymous interviews RAW on Reality Sandwich

Homage to Dali


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad these pictures turned out well, a lot of mine are rubbish because my phone, as it turns out, pretends to be a good camera but isn't.

A good time had by all! I do not know why I'm looking like I've sticking my tongue out, I think the camera caught me off guard :D

Anonymous said...

does anyone remember the name of the cube art (pictured with fly)?
great picture btw, fly underwater :)

Bogus Magus said...

Hi Tons!

Yeah, it came out a little dark, but we couldn't use flash in there...in fact, it turned out later, that photos were not allowed at all, but hey.

So far as I remember it had a title something like "Suggestion for a new model of the universe".

I think it may show up in the online 'tour' but here at work I can't look at the Pompidou videos for some reason (sigh).

I'll check in section 10, under Eschatology - because I remember joking about immanentizing the Eschaton...

Bogus Magus said...


Anish Kapoor’s

“Proposal for a New Model of the Universe” (2006)

Ooh look! someone's making a small version of our OLD model of Universe...

Crystal Nebulae