
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Friday, January 30, 2009

DVD of Antero Alli on the 8 Circuit Brain

In spite of the eclectic interests of this blog, and its authors, we still revolve around some fundamental models, themes and ideas. The 8-Circuit Model that Tim Leary and Robert Anton Wilson evolved - also features in a lot of Antero Alli's work, extended by him in Angel Tech (the book, and the MLA courses).

You can now buy a DVD of Antero delivering a lecture on this material. No review yet (as we haven't seen it) but you might like a link to the page which describes it in more detail, offers viewable excerpts, and has links to further free material on the subject.

You can also purchase the DVD from the same link.

Antero's highly enlightening 8 week interactive online course on Angel Tech will also run again Mar 16 - May 10 2009.

Read the Prospectus here.

See details for this and other courses on the official MLA site.

Or see the general schedule in the public part of the forum.
Note: you can click on the '8 Circuits' Label below to see all previous posts on this subject.

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