
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

That's as maybe...

A new set of courses has started, and a whole new bunch of people arrived - mingling in the general forum, but coming for Erik Davis's course on The Crazy Wisdom of Philip K Dick (why oh why didn't I join that one!) and Douglas Rushkoff's course - TECHNOLOGIES OF PERSUASION: From Propaganda to Paranoia - which started today. (Well, OK, yesterday by 5 minutes in the UK time zone, but San Francisco has 5 p.m, and New York 8 p.m. on October 1st, so I feel partly correct!) You can find an interview with Rushkoff in the Info-Cache blog here (or see link in the right hand column).

It feels terrific to have an infusion of fresh minds arriving through different channels, and the 'old crew' seem revitalized themselves, producing a really exciting new edition of the Quarterly.

Go to DeepLeaf Productions (permanent link on the right) for details of future courses, like Antero Alli's much anticipated Astrologik: Astrology Without Tears, starting 29 October.

Starhawk and Phil Farber have courses scheduled for November...so on we go...


The Purple Gooroo said...

I wanted to join the PKD course as well - but I've gotta save some cash at the moment.

I missed out on the Thoth tarot course, too - I just bought a Thoth deck while on holiday. I'll be buying the book at some point, too. Hopefully, the course gets offered again next year.

Steve Fly said...

The PKD course is great fun and games.

Having BladeRunner and A Scanner Darkly as
Course work..plus VALIS. I'm living in PKDs' world, everywhere i look.