
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Friday, December 15, 2006

Not Dark Yet

We don't follow the Gregorian calendar that much @ the MLA, but I'll use it here for convenience. For RAW comment on multiple calendar use, check out this time last 'year'.

If you want to start planning your studies for '2007' Gregorian [or 1428 Islamic; 5768 Hebrew; 134 l'Ere Pataphysique, etc] then you can catch a glimpse of some amazing, upcoming courses on the MLA instructors page.

If you prefer to use (say) the 'Pataphysical Calendar you can work out the course dates for yourself, with the perpetual calendar which displays in the Right Hand Column. :-)

NB: The month 'Décervelage' translates as something like 'unbraining'...

You might want to investigate the ECOlogical Calendar...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Maybe this time...

  • You may notice that Bob has started his own blog - RAW data - about a week ago - you can always find the link in the right hand column of this blog.
  • A new issue of Maybe Quarterly should appear on the Winter Solstice
  • Blogger has recently upgraded, any contributors having problems logging in, let me know. You will notice that you can now word search this blog (see tool bar at top)

Stephen Daedalus talks of Hamlet

Monday, December 04, 2006

FW - Pg 309, 12/04/06

Though perhaps somewhat battle ravaged I've come through now The Study Period. (Book II, Chapter 2)
Which to my great relief Joe C suggests as maybe the wake's most difficult episode, and ain't it though! 2 months it took me, my eyes pinballing around the page, jerked hastily about by endless footnotes, w/ shem & shaun annotating in the margins, and losing my place at every turn only to restart some elsewhere as it's all the same looking greek to me! Sometimes it would take days before I'd read through to where I already was, a time ago or 2 or 3. With on the page before the last, the 4th footnote: "I've lost the place, where was I?"

Supplimented by Ellmann's bio my Joyce study has become damn spooky, fucking hilarious, & a little sad.

Over @ Buddhafart: 6:01