
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Off-course, of course, maybe

The Academy has entered a summer recess - no courses running right now - but the general forum [$60 per year] has plenty of new members, and a wide range of esoteric subjects under discussion.
NB: you get free membership to this forum as part of the deal when you sign up for a course - but you can just join it separately.

always surprisingly informative
David Jay Brown has a course called The Science of Sex and Drugs set for August 14th - Sept 24th.

Antero Alli
will reprise his very popular Angel-Tech (8 Circuit Model) course from Sept 25th - Nov 19th.

Patricia Monaghan intends to re-run her course The Goddess Path in the Spring of 2007, and apparently this can count towards Graduate credits (whatever that means - as a dropped-out autodidact (!) I have no idea...)

If you don't know much about forums, and online learning, you could browse the demo page

Course updates, costs, relevant texts and materials, etc - listed here.

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