
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Things to look forward to...

So the Gregorian Calendar rolled over into a new digit, and on we go.

The new courses for the Academy will start soon.

The Goddess Path sounds intriguing, however you visualise the goddesses.

Patricia Monaghan
will lead a course on The Goddess Path. You can look at the syllabus for this 8 week course from January 9 - March 5, 2006 here

Robert Anton Wilson will also run an 8 week course on Non-Euclidian Politics:Beyond Left and Right from Jan 23 - March 19, 2006.

Finally (for now) Antero Alli will run an 8 week course from March 13 - May 7, 2006 - on the subject of ANGEL TECH: The 8-Circuit Brain in Theory and Practice. Especially exciting for those of us who missed RAW's previous 8 Dimensions of "Mind" course.

If you can't afford that course, haven't the time, or have signed up (like me) but would like a foretaste - I noticed that Antero Alli himself has started a tribe on the same theme over at Tribe. Yeh, right - freeeeee, honest!

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