
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Friday, November 01, 2019

RAW reading groups

In the last post I mentioned studying "The Widow's Son" with an online reading group, but did not add a link to it, partly because we have already reached Week 10.  However, the introductory post, and subsequent comments from the group remain a resource for future reference. Start at Week One, here.

The very same site (RAWIllumination.net) has all kinds of other resources worth looking at.  Among many other treasures, interviews, etc, it  has hosted several reading groups, and all the posts can still be found online, so check it out, if you are reading any of RAW's books - you can find specific groups for:
  •  The Earth Will Shake
  •  Email to the Universe
  •  Cosmic Trigger
  •  Coincidance: A Head Test
  •  Illuminatus!
  •  Masks of the Illuminati
  •  Quantum Psychology,