
Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Neil Gaiman's The Price animated

I just saw this on Neil Gaiman's blog and it sounds like a really cool project. A guy called Christopher Salmon wants to animate the short story The Price from Gaiman's book of short stories Smoke and Mirrors. He's got 9 days left to raise just over another $75,000. Here's his site with a preview of what it would look like narrated by Gaiman.
And if you want to listen to the story its available to stream here for free.
The minimum pledge is $10 and you will only be asked for that contribution if he reaches his target and as you can see on the website there are different levels of incentive too.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hip-Hop and Shamanism course postponed

PropAnon's Hip-Hop course logo You may have noticed in the sidebar the announcement that PropAnon's Hip Hop course will start a little later than advertised.

The new start date looks like the first Monday in December (6th) but we will try to keep you up with the news.

Or (why not?) go and register at the MLA forum...

Bobby Campbell's RAW media course logo

Meanwhile, Bobby's RAW Media course has moved onto blogging, so you may see some fresh input here from students this week!


Looking back now this just seems like a rather ordinary observation, but at the time it felt like an epistemological/ontological breakthrough!