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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bruce Eisner's Vision Thing - RU Sirius podcast

Just added a link to Bruce Eisner's Vision Thing [right of the screen]. He has lots of stuff that might interest Maybe people...Sounds like family.

e.g: RU Sirius Podcast -- Tribute To The Still-Very-Much Alive Writer Philosopher Prankster Robert Anton Wilson

RU Sirius Radio Show #78: Robert Anton Wilson Lives!
[first section on Borat - UK Prankster aka Ali G. The RAW section starts at about 17:23]

We talk about the great writer/philosopher/prankster Robert Anton Wilson with Lance Bauscher, director of the documentary “Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson” and the force behind the “Maybe Logic Academy.” And we talk to Eric Wagner, author of “An Insider’s Guide to Robert Anton Wilson.” And best of all, Bauscher brought in some reading/performances from the upcoming audio book version of The Illuminatus Trilogy!, which will be released by his Deepleaf Production company.
Ken Campbell with BobHear Ken Campbell reading the audio book! Yeh! He put the stage show of Illuminatus! on in London

You can see Ken with RAW here - and what about this letter from Ken Campbell!

Sub-Genius Alert

A new course will start on Monday, but you can still enroll for it at the Academy.
Running Your Own Cult:
Do's and Don'ts

This course is really Volume Two of "The SubGenius Psychlopaedia of Slack -- The Bobliographon," a new SubGenius book from Thunder's Mouth Press which will be in stores by November. This material -- basically a behind-the scenes history of The Church of the SubGenius and an investigation into the nature of belief -- requires way too much multimedia to work as just a book. But it's perfect for an 8-week online course.
At the end of the course, students will have designed and developed their own religious cult to the point of marketability.
Rev. Ivan Stang is compiling the most telling true-life anecdotes, photos, video and audio clips that illustrate the Church of the SubGenius story since 1980. These "most telling" moments are also usually the funniest, although some are tragic indeed. They also prompt all manner of questions and observations about the nature of religion and philosophy.

Course materials:
The SubGenius Psychlopaedia of Slack -- The Bobliographon -- Ivan Stang (November release)

A motherload of SubGenius Multimedia --
(available exclusively through MLA course)

8 week course
November 20 - January 21 Course Overview Here

Friday, November 03, 2006

Bob - waving not drowning...

[flash forward!] RAW has started his own blog - in December...RAW data

Just a quick update. I lifted this from Douglas Rushkoff's great website. Robert Anton WilsonAs you may know, Douglas initiated the cascade of money and goodwill which bailed Bob out of a sticky situation. I believe he now has enough money for the next six months of medical care, etc - but he can never have enough goodwill or good vibes sent to him.

You can go to Rushkoff's site and add comments to this page, if you want to send good wishes for all the clear thinking, optimism and great jokes that most people seem to like RAW for...and if you haven't read Bob yet, what a treat! So much to look forward to! Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hitler loves Black Jesus

Off Course - On Course

Philip Farber's course moves into its second week - you'd have to move fast to get in now and catch up. Fascinating Stuff. Meta-Magick: Where Magick Meets the Brain / Magick and Neuro-Linguistics

Early Warning: the Rev.Ivan Stang approaches, with his 8 week course November 20 - January 21 Running Your Own Cult: Do's and Don'ts. You can read the Course Outline Here and sign up here if it interests you. I heard a rumour (OK, OK I just started a rumour) that Bob Dobbs himself may participate - an extremely rare chance to go into orbit around him - or go straight to Church.

This course is really Volume Two of "The SubGenius Psychlopaedia of Slack -- The Bobliographon," a new SubGenius book from Thunder's Mouth Press which will be in stores by November. This material -- basically a behind-the scenes history of The Church of the SubGenius and an investigation into the nature of belief -- requires way too much multimedia to work as just a book. But it's perfect for an 8-week online course. At the end of the course, students will have designed and developed their own religious cult to the point of marketability.

Several interesting sessions also getting set up for the new year, with Starhawk, Antero Alli - go check it out.