Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Solstice!

I know we often say 'Winter' Solstice, but only because we act like Northern Hemisphere chauvinists.

In the Southern hemisphere they experience their longest day in December, and the height of summer.

The actual ‘sun standing still’ point happens at 18:35 UT.

Anyway – the latest edition of MQ came out for the Solstice, and I’d like to say (as chief wrangler for this edition) big thanks to Kentroversy (our founding editor, whose own blog gets a link on the right of the page) and to Admin (who put the whole package together) and to all the contributors.

You should find plenty to amuse and stimulate you.

PS: If you have trouble seeing the hidden card/code using the Magic Eye method in my piece on Playing Cards, what you should see looks roughly like this…

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the kind remarks. As you know, the MAYBE QUARTERLY holds a special place in my heart. I am especially glad that the project has been attracting lots of attention and wonderful remarks. I received some excellent feedback from several European MQ readers, who have expressed appreciation for the sharing of my magickal knowledge.

    In the spirit of cooperation and the furtherance of interest in magick, I look forward to working with the MQ in the future.

    Happy New Year to all of my MLA friends!

    Frater Kentroversy
    Buffalo, New York USA
